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faith. love. liberation.
fe. amor. liberación.
The Congregation Action Network is an interfaith network striving to create a community where everyone, no matter their immigration status, has the same access to rights and resources.
Your gift ensures that we have the tools to:
Build the political power of our immigrant and refugee communities in MD, VA, and DC
Address the trauma that often gets in the way of successful organizing
Advance local, state, and national policies rooted in the belief that everyone has equal rights, no matter where they were born
Develop an interfaith effort to ensure all are welcomed with dignity and love
2023 Annual Report
"For the past six years, Congregation Action Network (CAN) has been fighting for the rights and well being of immigrants and refugees in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
Founded in 2017 as a project of Faith in Action and Sanctuary DMV, CAN has since organized faith communities across the Washington metro area, and grew into an independent organization in 2022."